Monday, October 10, 2011

Krazy for Kindergarten!

Gracie girl started Kindergarten this year. KINDERGARTEN! I still can't believe it. In my eyes, she will always be my tiny little girl. It seems like only yesterday, she looked like this:

And now, the morning of her very first day of Kindergarten, THIS is what she looks like.

Grace is one of the best things to ever happen to me. She makes me exceedingly proud everyday. She is now 5 years old and LOVES to be the center of attention. She is a jokester and a giggler, delighting in any type of silly dance or crazy face. She wears a size 12 shoe, always wants me to braid her hair, loves to dress up in princess dresses and sings all the time. She reads constantly, swims like a fish, is a Papaw's girl, and can say some of the sweetest prayers you ever heard. She likes to be called Boo Bear or Zena, instead of Grace. But no matter what her name is or what grade she is in, she will always be my sweet, baby girl.

Here's hoping your Kindergarten year is as special as you are, Grace!

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