The snow was over 5 inches thick and the roads were so icy! They canceled school for the entire week and we were literally snowed in for the first three days.

So then, we all went a little stir crazy.
Finally, the snow melted and things got back to normal. We were able to have some friends over and enjoy each other's company. Good thing, because we were all getting a little sick of each other...HAHA!
Grace also started collecting her allowance. She gets $1.00 every week she completes her chores. My Dad also gives her a dollar if she earns one from DJ and I. Pretty sweet deal for her!
What else? Oh, yes! Grace started taking showers, using her new mini shower head. Such a big girl!
Finally, the month ended with some slightly warmer weather. So Grace and I practiced her baseball skills! You can tell her stylish outfit came from her own imagination. Doesn't everyone wear pearls and galoshes to play baseball in?
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