After that heart attack (mine, not hers) I took her on some smaller rides. By then, our friends had arrived, and little Taylor has absolutely no interest in riding ANY kind of roller coaster, so we stuck with the calm and kid-friendly rides. (Of which I was thankful...)

Near the end of our visit, Mandi and I took the girls to Skull Island, which is a mini water park inside Six Flags. They have water spouts and games, and several water slides, which Grace enjoyed immensely. She rode them again and again, paying no attention to the other children in line, and shoving her way to the front. It amazes me how fearless she is in some situations, but how timid she is in other far less scary ones! I guess I just don't understand four year olds.

These are some pictures of Grace and Taylor from that day. These two have been buddies since birth (or before really, since Mandi and I were pregnant together and delivered within three weeks of each other) They play together often, but we rarely get good pictures of them because they're always active and busy. So, I am especially proud of the pictures I got of these two sweethearts!

Great post! :) We enjoyed our day there too and can't wait for the next adventure! GREAT pictures (as always)!