On the weekend of April 24-25, DJ's best friend, Kevin, got married in Nashville, TN. DJ was the best man, and it was a beautiful wedding! We had the rehearsal and family dinner Friday night, which was so much fun with all the toasts. The wedding was Saturday and was such an elegant celebration. We loved spending time with the Kusak's and meeting the Gott family! Congrats, Emily and Kevin!

We decided to let Grace stay the weekend with some of my family in Tupelo while we attended the wedding. She had a blast and came back completely spoiled. She built a tent, met Dora the Explorer, made some cookies, played baseball, and went to Chuckie Cheese! She raved about how much fun she had for weeks afterward!

So glad that she enjoyed her time in Mississippi and the weather passed her! I'm sure that it was nice to have a weekend away (even though DJ got sick)!