William Faulkner once said that to understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi. The state that gave us Mr. Elvis Presley, the all important cotton plant, and one of Johnny Cash's most popular songs about it's state capital, just so happens to be my birth place. And about once a year or so, I pack Grace and my mama in the car, and we return to it for a visit. We have family scattered throughout the state, and I always enjoy going back to see the people who have loved me since I was little.
We had lunch with some of my mom's siblings, and stayed with some of my dad's. My aunts and uncles are all so sweet to Grace and I, and she always gets spoiled when we spend time with them. But, in the tradition of aunts and uncles, I suppose that's just the way it is. I probably got a little spoiled myself when I was her age, and my parents took me for visits. Georgia is my home now, but I will always be a Mississippi girl!

My aunt Kathy taught Grace how to play UNO. She beat us all twice!

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