She would talk anyone into reading with her!

Or be content reading alone...

She has books in every room of the house, and even in our car!
Due to her strong interest in reading, it's no surprise that she talked well before she walked. At eleven months old, she knew about a dozen words, including the all important "no" and "mama", as well as "ball", "go", and "cookie". From there, it was a flurry of speech improvement, phrases and sentences at an early age, basic reading concept understandings, and finally, sight words. She is flying through the Kindergarten sight word list, and reading more and more everyday.
Tonight, she brought me her favorite book, Dr. Seuss 's The Cat in the Hat. She asked me to read it, and I did. Then she calmly took the book, told me, "Let me find my favorite page", then read me this page out of the book. She put such vehemence and strength into the reading, because she was speaking from the fish's point of view. It cracked me up! This is one of the first times I've heard her read independently. Her intelligence and curiosity are sources of endless pleasure for me. May she always love learning as she does now!
LOVE all of these old pictures...takes me back! Yay, Gracie! So proud of her for reading! You've done a great job with her, Teri!