This website was created with the intention of keeping our family and friends connected with our lives, no matter the distance.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Trunk or Treat
Grace and I went with my parents to their church for Trunk or Treat and dinner Saturday night. Grace decided to be Snow White this year, which surprised me, since Ariel is her favorite princess. But, she had the Snow White dress, fancy shoes, and red hairband, plus we curled her hair and I put blush on her cheeks to make them rosy! She was a doll and had a wonderful, chocolatey time!
DJ and I married on May 16, 2010 and are well into our second year of wedded bliss! We have a six year old daughter, Grace, that we are raising together. DJ just finished his second year of law school at Atlanta's John Marshall Law School. He will graduate in December 2012. I am the gifted teacher at Ithica Elementary, and Grace is in Kindergarten there. I love having her with me at school everyday! Grace is reading like a pro and enjoying dress up, and keeps us both on our toes. We attend First Baptist Church in Villa Rica, where we love to serve the Lord and fellowship with our church family! We are a busy, but blessed, family!
So cute...can't wait to hear about Trick-or-Treating! Love you guys!