I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. From the first day of Kindergarten, all through high school and into college, I knew. I was never one of these people who have trouble declaring a major, or waffle between academic courses in the interest of trying to discover what interests me. Teaching is my passion, and there are so many great things about it, but I have found possibly the best thing of all...being there with my daughter every single day.
Being able to pass her in the hallway and see her sweet smiles and waves, getting to peek in on her classes, watching her play with her friends, having her skip down to my classroom every afternoon and run into my arms...it's wonderful! Getting to hand pick her teachers and be there for every moment is also pretty great!
So, since I am there with her, I get to be part of all the fun, and sometimes silly, moments! It's definitely an advantage. For example, a few weeks ago, Grace was invited to be a part of the morning announcements. She was supposed to stand up there with a few other Pre-K kids, but when she came in to the media center, she got a little shy. Then, she saw a few of my fifth grade QUEST students, whom she knows, and decided to go sit with them...on the actual announcements! So, the part that was televised to the school, Grace is smack in the middle of the "big" kids, listening and looking around! I was embarrassed, but everyone thought it was funny.

Another advantage is that my dad is welcome to come to the school and spend time with her and her class. He comes once a week to read to them, and Grace really enjoys it! I sneak down sometimes and watch them. My dad thinks Grace hung the moon, and I am happy for them that they have this time together.

Yep, teaching at an elementary school definitely has it's advantages!