Our first full day in Orlando, we went to the Magic Kingdom. Grace loved meeting all the characters and we were so excited to watch her reaction. Little did I know that I would enjoy that day even more than Grace!
As we got to the park, we stopped to meet a few characters, then made our way to the castle. We stopped right in front of it to take a few pictures. After posing with Grace, DJ asked me to stay and take a picture with just the two of us. So we did, then he caught my hand and kissed me, catching me completely by surprise. Then he got down on his knee! He told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him! I, of course, nodded and said yes, through my tears!

We had a wonderful day, enjoying lunch, more characters, several rides, and the parade!

Our second day in Orlando, we went to Hollywood Studios. This was one of Grace's favorite parks. She loved the Playhouse Disney show and meeting Mickey!

Date Night
Chris and Tiffany kindly watched Grace for us one night and DJ took us to Cirque De Soleil. The performance was breathtaking and we thoroughly enjoyed our time together. (They would not allow pictures during the show at all, so very few pictures were taken that night!)

Our third day involved a trip to Epcot. The best parts of this day were the Nemo rides and tanks, the fireworks, and the water fountains.

After the Illuminations show, DJ found some water fountains that skipped and shot water out across the courtyard. He and Grace had a fine time playing in them!

Our trip to the Animal Kingdom park was a beautiful day filled with lots of family fun. We rode Kilamanjaro Safaris, saw The Festival of the Lion King, watched the Nemo show, enjoyed the Bug's Life 3D show in the Tree of Life, and ate at the Rain Forest Cafe. The fish tanks and thunderstorms at the Rain Forest Cafe quickly charmed Grace, who had been a little grumpy up until that point. And we ALL loved the Bug's Life show!

We had such a wonderful time on our first visit to Magic Kingdom, we decided to visit it again on our last day in Orlando. We rode our favorite rides (It's a Small World, which DJ hated!) and Grace got to meet a few princesses!

Grace even rode Splash Mountain with DJ and Chris! She is braver than her mommy!

We rested at the hotel for a few hours, then headed back to the park to enjoy some treats and watch the night parade, Spectromagic. We stayed for the fireworks and had a magical ending to an amazing trip!
This was a complete dream vacation for me. I have always loved Disney World and watching my little girl experience it for the very first time was wonderful! Taking my best friend with me, and having him propose in the most romantic way was a breath-taking experience that I will always remember. This was a vacation full of treasured memories!